10 Effective Exercises to Help You Get Rid of Double Chin

Having a double chin can be a source of self-consciousness for many people. While there is no magic solution to instantly eliminate it, regular exercise targeting the muscles in your chin and neck can help tone and strengthen the area, reducing the appearance of a double chin over time. We will explore ten exercises that can assist you in your journey towards getting rid of that double chin.

10 Effective Exercises

Chin Lifts

Sit or stand with your spine straight. Tilt your head back until you are facing the ceiling. Keep your lips closed and relaxed, then pucker your lips as if you’re trying to kiss the ceiling. Hold for five seconds, and repeat ten times.

Neck Stretch

Sitting or standing upright, gently tilt your head to the right and hold for a few seconds. Return to the center and repeat on the left side. Perform five sets on each side to stretch and strengthen the neck muscles.

Tongue Press

Look straight ahead, and press your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth. Keep your tongue in this position while slowly lowering your chin towards your chest. Repeat this exercise ten times for optimal results.

Jaw Release

Begin by sitting or standing with your back straight. Relax your shoulders and open your mouth wide. Slowly and smoothly close your mouth until your teeth come together. Repeat this exercise ten times to help tone your jawline and reduce a double chin.

Platysma Exercise

Sit or stand with your spine straight. Pull your lips back against your teeth and turn the corners of your mouth downward. Open and close your mouth repeatedly, feeling the stretch and contraction in the muscles of your neck. Repeat this exercise ten times.

Neck Roll

Start by sitting or standing in a comfortable position. Gently lower your chin to your chest, and then slowly roll your head to the right, taking it backward, and then to the left. Repeat this circular motion five times and then reverse the direction for another five repetitions.

Ball Squeeze

Place a small, soft ball under your chin. Press your chin down against the ball, applying resistance. Hold this position for three seconds before releasing. Repeat the exercise ten times to strengthen your chin and neck muscles.

Fish Face

Sit or stand straight and pull your lips inwards so that they form a fish face. Hold this position for five seconds and feel the muscles in your cheeks and jaw contracting. Repeat the exercise ten times to tone and strengthen these muscles.

Kiss the Sky

Tilt your head back, facing the ceiling. Pucker your lips as if you’re trying to kiss the sky. Stretch your lips and hold for five seconds before relaxing. Repeat this exercise ten times to help tighten your chin and neck area.

Resistance Exercise

Place your palms on your forehead and press your forehead against your hands, creating resistance. Hold this position for ten seconds before relaxing. Repeat the exercise five times to engage the muscles in your neck and jawline.


Incorporating these exercises into your daily routine can be a simple and effective way to reduce the appearance of a double chin. Remember that consistency is key, and combining these exercises with a healthy diet and overall fitness routine can enhance the results. With time and dedication, you can achieve a more defined jawline and say goodbye to your double chin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can exercises alone completely eliminate a double chin?

While regular exercises can help tone and strengthen the muscles in your chin and neck, they may not completely eliminate a double chin on their own. Other factors, such as genetics and overall body fat, can also contribute to the appearance of a double chin. Combining exercises with a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and overall fitness routine can yield better results.

How long does it take to see results from double chin exercises?

The timeline for seeing results can vary from person to person. Consistency is crucial when it comes to exercises for a double chin. With regular practice, you may start noticing improvements in the strength and tone of the muscles in your chin and neck within a few weeks to a few months. Remember that patience and persistence are key.

Are there any lifestyle changes that can help reduce a double chin?

In addition to exercises, making certain lifestyle changes can contribute to reducing a double chin. These include maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet, staying hydrated, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, practicing good posture, and incorporating cardiovascular exercises into your routine to aid in overall weight loss.
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