Breast Augmentation

Breasts are the structures that complete the physics of the woman’s body appearance. Breast Augmentation Surgery aims to enlarge the breasts with implants.


Breast Augmentation

Surgery to increase the size of the breasts is known as breast augmentation. Breast implants are placed under the breast tissue or chest muscle. Increasing the size of the breasts is a technique for some women to increase their self-confidence. For others, it is part of the process of rebuilding the breast due to various medical problems. An increase in breast size is achieved by using implants or fat transfer. If you have lost breast volume after weight loss or pregnancy, this surgery may help. It can also help correct your breast form or correct natural breast size asymmetry.

Reasons for Breast Augmentation

If you think your breasts are small or asymmetrical, you can have a breast augmentation surgery. Or if you have had a baby or have lost a lot of weight, adjust your bra size accordingly. Or, you can equalize your deformed breasts after breast surgery for another disease.

Different Ways for Breast Augmentation Surgery

For this surgery, an incision is made in your natural skin fold, usually on the lower side of your chest. The implant is inserted through this hole by the surgeon. If you’re young, thin, and haven’t had children yet, your scar may be more noticeable. Various methods and tools can be used by the surgeon to perform this procedure. After this procedure, there are usually no scars on your breasts.
The areola can be shaved by the surgeon. This is the dark area surrounding the nipple. This incision is used to place the implant. Breastfeeding difficulties and nipple numbness are more likely with this technique.
In another rarely used method for breast augmentation surgery, the belly button is also used. Implants can also be placed through a small incision around your belly button. The implant is moved up to the breast area using an endoscope. It is then filled with solutions.

What is Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breasts are the structures that complete the physics of the woman’s body appearance. Breast Augmentation Surgery aims to enlarge the breasts with implants.

Why the Breast Volume is Important?

Breasts play an important role in a woman to feel as a woman. In light of this, breast volume becomes an important issue as well. Breast volume holds an important place in shoulder width, chest circumference, waist and hip circumference measurements. Body contour view remains incomplete when breast volume is small in these measurements. That’s why breast augmentation takes importance in plastic surgery procedures.

What are the Problematic Situations a Woman can have about Their Breast Volume?

Breasts may be small structurally for a variety of reasons. One may be smaller than the other, which they can be asymmetric. Congenitally, one may even never exist. Breast augmentation surgery helps to make even the asymmetric breasts.

What is the most Current and Healthiest Technique for Breast Augmentation?

Silicon implants are the most valid methods today for equalizing or increasing volume of both breasts.
There is a popular topic needs to be written something about: Breast Augmentation with Fat Injection. Breast Augmentation procedure by applying one’s fat tissue have been tried and have been reported with satisfactory results in size. Even if it sounds really good because there will be no foreign material, there are important issues needs to be taken into consideration.
Mammography images of patients who have undergone Breast Augmentation with fat injection shows microcalcifications which is important sign used in breast cancer screening and diagnosis. I never prefer fat injection, as it can leave my patient in a serious matter. I use only breast silicon implants to achieve desired size. Silicon implant will not cause any microcalcifications therefore there will be no suspicion.

What is a Silicon Implant?

Silicone-containing products are also used for other purposes in cosmetic industry and medicine. Silicon implants are balloon-like structures prepared in the form of breast.
Round and Tear Drop shapes silicon implants are available. The main difference between Round and Tear Drop silicon implants are that they are giving different shape to the breast placed.

Which shape of Silicon Implant is better?

The shape of the silicon implant for breast augmentation to be chosen is hidden in your answer to a very simple question asked by your surgeon. “Do you want to have full decollate” If answer is yes, the implant shape has to be round silicon implant. Tear drop shape silicon implant can make the decollate full but not as much as the round one does.

Where the Incision and scars are located for placing the silicon implants for Breast Augmentation Surgery?

There are three places: Inframammary fold, around the areola (periareolar) and axilla or armpit (transaxillary).
In my practice I only use Inframammary fold incision which is hidden under the shadow of the breast. Scars placed around the areola surrounding the nipple can widen and introduce bacteria around implant. Scars placed in the axilla or armpit can also increase the possibility of the bacterial contamination. Bacterial contamination is so important issue while a foreign material is placing to the body. This contamination believed to be the main reason of the capsular contraction which I will mention below.

Which Implant Placement is better? Under or Over Muscle?

One of the factors contributing to the final results of breast augmentation is to select the place where the implant will be placed: Over or Under the pectoral muscle. In order for the implant to be placed to behave as if it is a breast, it must be concealed very well. Therefore, tissue thickness on the implant plays a very important role here. If your skin and subcutaneous tissue are not thick enough to hide the implant, the best direction to go is under the muscle. But if the skin and subcutaneous tissue will hide the implant, the over muscle will be correct.

Is there anything needs to be done before operation?

If you are under 40, I just want you to have breast ultrasound. If you are over 40, I want you to show me last mammography. If there is no mammography taken, I want you to get it. No matter what the age is, if the patient has breast cancer history in her family, I want to see mammography.

Operation and Early Period of after Operation

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. You need to stay only one night at the hospital. The operation takes 1-2 hours.
An incision of 4-5 cm is opened for implant placement. As I mentioned above, I only prefer Inframammary Fold Scar to place the implant. A supportive bra that I want you to wear for four weeks will be worn at the end of the operation. A thin tube – Drain may be placed to prevent possible blood accumulation in the surgical area.
Each surgery has a general or specific risk. Edema – Swelling and pain in the breast area are the symptoms seen after the surgery. Bleeding and infection are rare. Some patients complain of increased or decreasing sensitivity in the nipple after surgery or numbness around the incision, which is generally temporary.
There will be no stitches to take because I prefer to use resolvable one in this surgery. You may return to your daily life in 3-4 days. I want you to stay away from heavy sports (fitness, running etc.) for 2 months.

What is Capsular Contraction?

The body will produce a tissue called capsule surrounding the implant with the aim of preventing the direct contact of the tissues with the implant after breast augmentation surgery. The thickness of this capsule will be ranked among the reasons for the complications that will occur later on. Thin capsule does not cause any problems. If a mild capsule forms, mild hardness in the breasts and a small shape changes of the breast can be noticed.
Thick capsule which is rare situation around the implant will compress and change the shape of the implant which we call it capsular contraction. In this situation hardness and sometimes asymmetry may occur in the breasts. There are many studies that showed capsule thickness – capsular contraction is highly related with bacterial contamination. In case of mild and moderate capsular contracture, external massage and additional operation can be performed. There is no choice other than removing the implant when severe capsule contracture occurs.

Does Breast Implant Increase the Risk of Breast Cancer?

There is no evidence that silicon implants increase breast cancer risk after breast augmentation surgery. However, in recent years scientist found an Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma associated with silicon implant. For more information about this subject please click.

The Last Sentence…

Breast Augmentation with implant is an operation that generally gives good and lasting results, improves one’s mental health and psychosocial structure and makes them more connected to life
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