Clarification Text for Personal Data Protection

Hereby this Clarification Text for Personal Data Protection (hereinafter referred as “text”) has been prepared for the purpose of informing you with regard to procedures and principles of processing of your personal data perse the Law on the Protection of Personal Data numbered as 6698 (hereinafter referred as “KVKK”).




Hereby this Clarification Text for Personal Data Protection (hereinafter referred as “text”) has been prepared for the purpose of informing you with regard to procedures and principles of processing of your personal data perse the Law on the Protection of Personal Data numbered as 6698 (hereinafter referred as “KVKK”).

Within this scope, according to provision 10 of the KVKK mandatory information and our personal data policy presented to your attention below.


Under the KVKK; Barış Yiğit as being your data supervisor may for the purposes given below process, record, store, classify and update your personal data following the guidelines of KVKK and good faith and may reveal and/or transfer it to the third parties in cases within your consent or where the regulation permits to do so and limited to the sole purpose for which they were processed.

Data Supervisor: Dr. Barış Yiğit

Contact Information: Tuzla Mah. Sadi Pekin Cad. No:4B/2 Fethiye/Muğla



i)           Identification Information (Name, surname, Turkish Republic Citizenship Number and/or passport number, birthplace and/or date, marital status, gender and etc.),

ii)          Contact Information (Phone and/or cell phone number, adress of correspondence, residential adress, e-mail adress and etc.),

iii)        Voice Recordings (With regard to records you made with us through the call center),

iv)        Account Information (Bank account number, IBAN number, credit card information and etc.),

v)          Health Data (photographs, analysis results, health reports, diagnostic data, biometric and genetic data, laboratory and test results, examination data, prescription information,  and, without limitation, during and during medical diagnosis, treatment and care services and/or a result thereof all kinds of health information obtained),

vi)            Security camera recordings (Images obtained from recordings that are continuously recorded in common areas)

vii)           Cookies and IP Information (If you use our site, IP address, cookies)

datas as personal data, may be processed connected and measured for the belowmentioned purposes.

Also, your information can be transferred to the persons, institutions and organizations specified in the following scopes.


Your personal datas may be collected verbally, in writing, visually or electronically via call center, website, mobile applications, physical spaces and similiar channels.

 In this context, your personal data is stored in encrypted safes or cabinets ensured with security cameras in a physical environment.

All necessary administrative and technical measures and precautions are taken with regard to data you transmit via electronic and/or pyhsical media.

Your personal data is processed within the scope of this text. However, if the reason for processing your personal data disappears, your data will be erased, destructed or anonymized.

It is essential to keep your data for the duration of the prescription period and lapse of time as per the relevant legal legislation.

Besides, the retention period regarding the retention of your personal data; It is evaluated taking into account the purpose of data processing, provided that it does not harm fundamental rights and freedoms.


Perse the expections stipulated in provisions 5/2 and 6/3 of the KVKK; your personal data is processed for the following conditions and purposes,

Especially your health data is processed with exceptions within the scope of article 6/3 of KVKK (for the purposes of protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and managing health services and financing)

Other than this, in cases where it is necessary to process your personal data within the scope of your explicit consent; your explicit consent will be requested by enlightening you on which purpose and how your personal data will be processed.

Apart from the aforementioned issues,
your personal data can or/and may also be processed for the performance and fulfillment of the legal obligations within the scope of the following laws:

-Law No. 6698 on Protection of Personal Data,

-Fundamental Law on Health Services No. 3359,

-Decree Law No. 663 on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Health and its Affiliates,

-Private Hospitals Regulation,

-Regulation on Processing of Personal Health Data and Protection of Privacy,

-Ministry of Health regulations

-And other relevant legislation.


Your personal data may be processed for the following purposes:

i)         Preventation of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, running of treatment and nursing services,

ii)        Fulfillment of our legal obligations, execution of contracts,

iii)      Sharing the requested information with the Ministry of Health and other public institutions and organizations in accordance with the relevant legislation,

iv)       Fulfillment of legal and regulatory requirements,

v)        Sharing the information requested with the Ministry of Health and other public institutions and organizations in accordane with the relevant legislation,

vi)       Informing with regard to the appointments made through the Call Center and Digital Channels

vii)     Confirmation of your identity by Patient Services, Healthcare Professionals and Call Center departments,

viii)    Planning and management of the internal functioning of the clinic by the internal management

ix)       Analyzing for the purpose of improving health services,

x)        Carrying out risk management and quality improvement activities,

xi)       Invoicing,

xii)     Confirming the relationship with the clinic and its contracted institutions,

xiii)    Responding to all kinds of questions and complaints regarding the health services given / to be given to me by the Clinic Management, Patient Experience, Patient Rights and Call Center departments

xiv)    Taking all necessary technical and administrative measures within the scope of data security of clinical systems and applications, by Clinical Management, Information Systems departments,

xv)     Providing information on participation in campaigns and campaigns, designing and communicating special content, tangible and intangible benefits on web and mobile channels by marketing, Media and Communication, Call Center departments

xvi)    Measuring investigating and increasing/improving patient satisfaction by Clinical Management, Patient Rights, Patient Experience departments,

xvii)  Fulfillment of education and training activities by educational institutions of which clinic in cooperation,

xviii) In order to carry out Human Resources processes.

xix)    Meeting the the burden of proof as evidence in legal disputes that may arise in the future.


Your personal data; Within the framework of the Fundemental Law on Health Services No.3359, Decree Law No.663 on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Health and Affiliated Institutions, Law No.6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, Private Hospitals Regulation, Regulation on the Processing of Personal Health Data and Protection of Privacy, and the regulations of the Ministry of Health and other legislation provisions and for the purposes described above;

i)With the Ministry of Health, its sub-units and family medicine centers,

ii)Private insurance companies (health, pension, life insurance and similar),

iii)With the Social Security Institution,

iv)With the General Directorate of Security and other law enforcement agencies,

v)With the General Directorate of Population,

vi)With the Pharmacists’ Association of Turkey,

vii)With judicial authorities,

viii)For medical diagnosis and treatment, with laboratories, medical centers, ambulances, medical devices and healthcare institutions in Turkey or abroad that you cooperate with as clinic,

ix)To another health institution to which I have been referred or to whom I have applied, in case of being referred,

x)With the legal representatives you have authorized,

xi)With lawyers, tax consultants, auditors and the other third parties that we consult with,

xii)With regulatory and supervisory institutions and official authorities,

xiii)Companies and private hospitals and clinics to which domestic or foreign systems and / or the clinic is a solution partner, and private hospitals and clinics for this purpose, with my employer, suppliers, support service providers, archive service that you benefit from or cooperate with my company for this purpose. providers and business partners.


As per the article 20 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, everone has the right to be informed about him/her Personal Data.

In addition, pursuant to article 11 of KVKK, one of the rights of personal data owner is right to request information.

In this context, if personal data owners submit their requests to us, the relevant request will be concluded as soon as possible and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. If the transaction requires an additional cost, a fee will be charged in accordance with the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.

Personal Data owners have the following rights under KVKK:

·          To learn whether his/her personal data are processed or not,

·          To request information if his/her personal data are processed,

·          To learn the purpose of his/her personal data processing and whether this personal data is used for intended purposes,

·          To know the third parties to whom personal data are transferred at domestically or abroad,

·          To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data are transferred,

·          To request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons for its processing disappear, despite the fact that it has been processed in accordance with the KVKK and the relevant legislation, and to notify the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred,

·          Object to the occurrence of a result against the person himself/herself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,

·          To request the compensation of the damage in case of damage due to the processing of personal data illegally.

In order to use the above mentioned rights; in accordance with KVKK and the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to Data Supervisor the request shall be made by filling and signing the application form with the necessary information for determination of identity and explanations with regard to the right to be used , which can be accessed from the link below, in writing;

• By personal application,

• Through a notary public,

• By signing by the applicant with “secure electronic signature” defined in the Electronic Signature Law No. 5070 and sending to our company’s registered e-mail address ………………… .. (cap address),

and the request should be forwarded to us.

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