Explicit Consent Form

I was duly informed with regard to clarification text concerning personal data protection of which has been prepared as per the Law on the Protection of Personal Data numbered as 6698 (hereinafter referred as “KVKK”). I viewed the related clarification text in the website.


I was duly informed with regard to clarification text concerning personal data protection of which has been prepared as per the Law on the Protection of Personal Data numbered as 6698 (hereinafter referred as “KVKK”). I viewed the related clarification text in the website.


I was informed

I was not informed

Please Mark

Your personal data is processed without your explicit consent on the ground of the exceptions set forth in provision 6/3 of KVKK primarly for the purpose of protecting public health, performing preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and managing health services and financing.

However, as per KVKK, we kindly request your explicit consent in case of the subjects not covered within the mentioned scope.

In this context, if you do not consent to the below-mentioned matters, your personal data will not be processed if it does not fall within the exception.

  1. Processing Photos and Videos (recordings) of my body and its parts; before, during and after the plastic surgery procedure;

You have my consent

You have not my consent

Please Mark

b) Processing, recording, transferring, additionally transferring to abroad and sharing with third parties of my photos and videos (recordings) in Office through gallery and printed documents for the purpose of letting the other and potential patients understand results and outcomes of surgeries rendered in Dr. Barış Yiğit Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Clinic;

You have my consent

You have not my consent

Please Mark

c) Processing, recording, transferring and sharing with third parties of my photos and videos (recordings) through websites and/or affiliated websites and/or social media environments for the purpose of letting the other and possible patients understand results and outcomes of surgeries rendered Dr. Barış Yiğit Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Clinic;

You have my consent

You have not my consent

Please Mark

d) Covering my eyes with an aim of reducing my recognition, if the photo is related to my face;

I demand

I do not demand

Please Mark

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