Fat Injection

Hello, I want to talk about fat injections today.
Today, the person’s own fat can be injected almost everywhere on the body in order to gain volume. It competes seriously with Hyaluronic Acid fillers in small volumes especially facial applications. Fat injection always proceeds in the same logic, no matter where the body is applied. Fat tissue is taken from one or more areas you will determine with your doctor. This harvesting process is the same as liposuction procedure and fat tissue is taken out.
I always use the planted seed sample while describing my patients the fat injection. You plant seeds in the field, but you cannot get sprout from all the seeds you plant. Because certain ranges of seeds find optimal conditions and germinate others are eliminated. The fat injection is actually a scientific graft process that works in the same logic as seed planting. Since every fat cell you inject cannot meet optimal conditions, a 100% survival, germination in my sample, is not possible. Even when all the rules are followed in the fat injection procedure, the survival rate does not exceed 60-70%. Therefore, many studies have been carried out to increase this survival rate. Today, we may tell the most important factors affecting survival are not injecting too much fat into the region and injecting all fat grafts in different vectors instead of the same place and adding factors that increase the adhesion of the injected fat cells within the tissue.
It is a method of enriched with stem cells, which is made to increase the survival of the fat cells where they are injected and also gives the most valuable results. The process of enriched with stem cells is aimed at accelerating the meeting of the currently injected adipose tissue with new vascular structures that will immediately bring nutrients and also oxygen. Because, for that moment fat cells continue their life with only the energy inside the cell. The main task of applying stem cells is to create the new vascular system as soon as possible.
Due to these factors, wherever fat injection is made, there will be some elimination. Experienced surgeons who know this situation inject a certain amount of extra fat based on their experience. But the amount of extra fat to be given is also very important. Because as the balance is exceeded, it is inevitable that the pressure that increases due to the increase in the volume where the fat cell is injected, decreases the rate of survival inversely. This balance can only be kept optimal with experienced hands.
If you have any questions about this issue, you can reach us through the channels you see right now.
Have a nice day…
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